Hello there, Thank you for stopping by! I intend to share my thoughts and learning experiences here to help anyone learn something new or to look at a particular subject from a different perspective. A quote I like to refer back is:

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” ― Phil Collins

As we all welcome the new year with the best of wishes and resolutions, here I am, hoping to learn along the way and share my knowledge on whatever crosses my way (and security concepts too)! Suggestions and ideas are always welcome.

~$ whoami

I would feel bad if you haven’t figured out my name by now ;) Anyways, I am Zanil, an InfoSec graduate. My interests in computer science and technology have put me in the realm of information security. During the day, I work in security & compliance, and at night, I explore the web - which really means, read/learn/watch/experience fun stuff on the internet.

This website is my journey in the InfoSec industry and life in general. I am hoping to share my learning experiences and other resources I come across from where you could dig further on a particular topic (where all credits are due to their respective owners). I am not an expert and therefore, mistakes are inevitable (if you do find some errors, please do let me know here 📧 email)

Hope you find it useful and fun!

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