Crunch is a wordlist generator useful for password cracking. Sometimes, you don’t want to use large precomputed wordlists and instead you may want to create your own. Crunch is your solution! It is a small but powerful command line tool allowing you to specify the criteria for the wordlists and generate it for you.

The most common and useful features include minimum maximum length, pattern specification and resume capability [very handy when the input is large].

Create and save your wordlist to a file using the -o option. You can specify special patterns using -t option followed by any of these:

% [percent] for numbers ^ [caret] for 33 symbols: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) – _ + = ~ ` [ ] { } | \ : ; ” ‘ < > , . ? / [space]

@ [at] for lower case letters

, [comma] for Upper case letters

If you wish to include any of these characters (% ^ @ ,) in your wordlist, you can do so by using the literal -l option [lowercase for L] along with -t option. Here are some examples:

The tool comes in built on Kali Linux. Although, on Windows, you cannot run crunch through command prompt, although, you can set it up by downloading the files from SourceForge and installing them on a linux terminal.
